“Fight Song”

I have had a terrible last two weeks. …. So many nightmares. Night terrors. Waking up crying out people’s names. Sobbing in my sleep (David said I was saying “Merry’s” name during those.) Fighting the exhaustion of working out. Incredibly hot weather (85 F with 80% humidity). Bleh. Applying for jobs. Getting rejected for grocery …


enough. When I told my psychiatrist about not having an appetite, he did not care? Or I perceived he did not care because his first response was, “Well, I am not increasing your setraline.” (I spelled that wrong. My anti-depressant.) Anyway, I wanted to scream across the phone at him, “You started me on half …


David got very sick last evening. HIs co-worker went home and called out sick on Monday. I had the most terrible nightmares last night and the night before. The night before last, I dreamed that my sister got possessed by a demon. It was horrible. The demon was doing such terrible things to her. I …