(1) Dreams: I am dreaming nightly. It is wonderful. Sometimes I am able to manipulate everything around me. My dreams feel much freer. I do not feel trapped and alone anymore.
(2) Health: (a) My password was reset. My questions reset. My login was different. When I finally managed to log in to KP.org, all my links were FINALLY working. So … ALLERGY RESULTS:
Normal Allergies (TEST RANGE is 0 to 10 mm):
My interpretation of Skin testing : negative Skin test results to Food and inhalant extracts Are not consistent with an IgE mediated condition. Adequate Skin test controls noted. Electronically Signed by: MATTHEW LAU MD, 9/20/2023Patient accompanied by Spouse Entering result for Dr. Lau Prick:
3. Cow’s milk: 0 mm / 0mm
4. Egg white: 0 mm / 0 mm
5. Soybean: 0 mm / 0 mm
6. Wheat: 0 mm / 0 mm
7. Peanut: 0 mm / 0 mm
8. Shrimp: 0 mm / 0 mm
9. Codfish mix: 0 mm / 0 mm
10. Chicken: 0 mm / 0 mm
New list:
4. Mite DP: 2 mm / 2 mm
5. Cat: 0 mm / 0 mm
6. Dog AP: 0 mm / 0 mm
7. Cockroach Mix: 0 mm / 0 mm
8. Bermuda Grass: 0 mm / 0 mm
9. Timothy Grass: 0 mm / 0 mm
10. Green Amaranth: 0 mm / 0 mm
11. Russian Thistle: 0 mm / 0 mm
12. Prairie Sage: 0 mm / 0mm
13. Velvet Mesquite: 0 mm / 0 mm
14. Western White Pine: 0 mm / 0 mm
15. Mango Blossom: 0 mm / 0 mm
16. Aspergillus Fumigatus: 0 mm / 0 mm
17. Alternaria Alternata: 0 mm / 0 mm
18. Hormodendrum Cladosporiodes: 0 mm / 0 mm
19. Helminthosporium Solaris: 0 mm / 0 mm
20. Penicillium Chryosenium: 0mm/ 0mm Other:
1. Apple: 0mm/0mm
2. Tomato: 0mm/0mm
Test name Test long name Conc(kUA/l) (TEST RAnge is from 0 to 100) RESULTS:
f208 Lemon <0.10
f44 Strawberry <0.10
f209 Grapefruit <0.10
f47 Garlic <0.10
I even ate food last night with a small amount with a small amount of tomato paste. Telling myself before: I am not allergic.
(3) Mental health
Now this begs the question, why did I throw up for years around my ex? Anxiety? A self-defense mechanism. (Puking meant my ex didn’t follow me. He left me alone to clean up my mess, ect.) … I have a therapist appointment again tomorrow, so I will discuss this then.
(4) Meds
I am doing so much better. I am sleeping. DAvid says he can tell my anti-depressant is working. He said I seem happier. I am also singing, dancing, have some motivation.