Creeping to the surface

So … I feel like I am still paying for my mistakes. My past sins. One of the biggest is going to Alabama. My storage unit was paid in full going that way, but then Kris killed himself. And I had to get my stuff to U-haul. I have one of their largest shipping tickets (according to customer service). But now … today …

I learned that I had a year to pay that bill off. Now they will run my credit card every week until the debt is paid off. The only way to stop this is to set up a payment plan that can only be a MAXIMUM amount of 18 months long. (Meaning that I would have a $290 dollar payment a month.) Then I learned that this doesn’t even count towards the storage fee. I still have to pay that every month.

And I bawled. Like a baby for almost 45 minutes. Sobbed. There are only five things in there that I give a damn about.

  1. My mother’s wedding dress.
  2. The box of family photo albums.
  3. The teddy bear my Dad gave me as a child (it’s belly bell stilll makes me smile).
  4. “Fuzzy” my baby blanket.
  5. And the last quilt my grandmother every made.

Knowing what I know now about airlines, I should have just packed a third large suitcase and paid for the overweight fees. I would have lost everything else … Or not shipped it to Hawaii.

But I did not know that.

Now, I have $5,120 dollars still hanging over me. A constant reminder of how STUPID a decision Kris was.


  1. Patricia A Gallia

    Your mistake was not getting out of that marriage sooner. Mistakes we make are never going to go away. You just have to pick up your big girl pannys and start paying the debt off before you loose everything that is dear to you. Are you still getting unemployment, if so use that to pay for your storage just like you would for a car payment. David is working and I assume he is getting a good salary and can pay for the household expenses and rent. I think about you all the time and am sending good wishes to you to finally get your life back on track.

    • Annabelle Cornejo

      Valid points. I have severe trauma when applying for jobs. Ptsd. But David is working with me on weekends to figure out the wording better so I do not have so much anxiety/panic/shut down moments.

    • Annabelle Cornejo

      We won’t lose it. We have enough in our budget for the monthly payments. I am just naive, frustrated and learning the hard way about how much something can cost you.

      I tried to get out Patty. I did. But he won my back. (7 times) It is very hard to explain. It brings me so much shame, anger and despair (sometimes) to think about why I did not leave earlier. How my hope was manipulated. So much shame … People with a narcissist personality can literally control another’s mind. Matthew got control over me. I gave it. He was my spouse. Why would a spouse lie and hurt you? I did not see Merry and Michael lying to each other and hurting each other.

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