Yes. I got quiet. Very quiet. David got “laid off” with a severance package from OceanIt. We have … maybe enough money. So, hey mi FAMILIA … We might need help. For real. Please do not let us go homeless again. David has two great options for future employments. One will move us to Seattle….
Category: Therapy
enough. When I told my psychiatrist about not having an appetite, he did not care? Or I perceived he did not care because his first response was, “Well, I am not increasing your setraline.” (I spelled that wrong. My anti-depressant.) Anyway, I wanted to scream across the phone at him, “You started me on half…
A week later
I am doing so much better. It took four nights to detox off trazadone. My mind was out of control. I couldn’t slow it down. I was having three-hour plus hot flashes. (those were terrible. I sat in front of a fan and just dripped sweat.) What was odd? After it was all done, my…
So much better
I was approved for a major medication change. (Like drop everything I am on but Trazadone. Add the old medications I was on when I first fled Jack to Visalia. I gained 7 pounds after 3 days of not eating? David thinks it is water weight as I was drinking a ton of fluids. And…
So I got a counselor
She is someone I am learning to talk with. Kinda odd for me because she is like, “you have to focus on the good.” And I am like, “I am too smart to be naive.” (And I am in a city with 800k people. Stats go up for crime, etc.) But we are talking about…
Huge argument with my psychiatrist
…. Lexapro is NOT working for me. So he upped the dosage. And I have to take that for three weeks before we can change SSRI. grrrrr …. then he made me promise him I would take two of my 50 mg trazadone a night. I have been dizzy and unable to walk in my…
My Health Insurance is STILL not fixed
It was messed up June 1st. I went to log in today to schedule an emergency appointment with my therapist and got this screen I had to fight back tears. I am beyond furious. I lost my therapist due to this bullshit. I cannot access my files or do anything online. They said they would…
Got my watch
Last night was my first night sleeping with it. 30 minutes of deep sleep total. Almost 40 times waking up. I feel so groggy this AM. I have a psychiatrist appointment on Friday, so I’ll be able to finally talk about my medications concerns. But I have it now. David bought it for me as…
I am reaching out to those I lost over my thirteen-year marriage. One of the precious people to me is Teagen. Dad, you remember her right? The really tall, gorgeous, Swedish blonde that was my best friend in college and we roommated together for years after college. She hated my ex on site. Anyway, I…
I started working out
again. It has been since we moved in. When we first moved in, I did something to my rib cage. I am not sure if I yanked a few out of joint, or strained the muscles or ??? but there are three spots that if I touch — I scream because of the pain. My…