I had been fighting what I thought was the flu at my job for the last two weeks. I had actually missed 6 days in a row. Anyway, I was back at work. Had been for three days. And I was outside walking around and interacting with the children, when I started dripping sweat from…
Category: Meds
Big update
Yes. I got quiet. Very quiet. David got “laid off” with a severance package from OceanIt. We have … maybe enough money. So, hey mi FAMILIA … We might need help. For real. Please do not let us go homeless again. David has two great options for future employments. One will move us to Seattle….
enough. When I told my psychiatrist about not having an appetite, he did not care? Or I perceived he did not care because his first response was, “Well, I am not increasing your setraline.” (I spelled that wrong. My anti-depressant.) Anyway, I wanted to scream across the phone at him, “You started me on half…
Two nights of little sleep
Cause wow. Cats have been so very frisky. And David and I stayed up on evening talking till way later than we should have. It is all good though. The doctor told me I could take Trazadone as a PRN. (I might take it tonight to make sure I fall asleep.) Once in three weeks…
A week later
I am doing so much better. It took four nights to detox off trazadone. My mind was out of control. I couldn’t slow it down. I was having three-hour plus hot flashes. (those were terrible. I sat in front of a fan and just dripped sweat.) What was odd? After it was all done, my…
I think I am detoxing
And it has sucked. Sweating at all hours. Crazy, wild dreams. But at least I am getting the trazadone out of my system. It spent months in my system, but I am hoping it takes about twenty-one days to leave my system. Outside of that, David and I start working out in the morning tomorrow….
Had another med change change
I wanted OFF trazadone. I am now off it. Plus my anti-depressant got bumped up to what it was 5 years ago? Four? ??? Yesterday was my first day without that drug in my system at night. I slept 3 hours and woke up in a manic-like state. I was sweating, feeling nauseous and wanting…
(1) Dreams: I am dreaming nightly. It is wonderful. Sometimes I am able to manipulate everything around me. My dreams feel much freer. I do not feel trapped and alone anymore. (2) Health: (a) My password was reset. My questions reset. My login was different. When I finally managed to log in to KP.org, all…
Quasi results of allergy test
This was my back afterwards. The two swollen parts are the control (everyone hives to them). I had a few blood tests, but I doubt I am allergic to anything there. I will hear back on those in two weeks. Of course my doctor was like, “Do not go home and eat the foods that…
So much better
I was approved for a major medication change. (Like drop everything I am on but Trazadone. Add the old medications I was on when I first fled Jack to Visalia. I gained 7 pounds after 3 days of not eating? David thinks it is water weight as I was drinking a ton of fluids. And…