I completely dislike my job. Lead directors has two faces — the one they show to the public and one that says schedules are the most important. … (thinking) I have bronchitis and pneumonia. (Three antibiotics and one inhaler.) Our eldest cat Brook is deathy sick. Our bedroom floor is covered in pee pads. We…
Category: Debt
Paying for old sins …
“Fight Song”
I have had a terrible last two weeks. …. So many nightmares. Night terrors. Waking up crying out people’s names. Sobbing in my sleep (David said I was saying “Merry’s” name during those.) Fighting the exhaustion of working out. Incredibly hot weather (85 F with 80% humidity). Bleh. Applying for jobs. Getting rejected for grocery…
I have my stuff!!!! Thank God!
Last week, I got approved for a very high amount credit card from USAA. Thankfully, I am still on the mortgage and title to my old house (which is over 50% paid off). David agreed that the toaster oven from my Aunties is far superior to his 15-year-old one. So … I have it all….
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas
(singing) We spent the day at Midas. Of course the car broke down. But at least it was just an alternator. We had to replace it right before we moved into these apartments. We were very broke. Very as we were trying to get the deposit money together. So we bought a cheap alternator. It…
A week later
I am doing so much better. It took four nights to detox off trazadone. My mind was out of control. I couldn’t slow it down. I was having three-hour plus hot flashes. (those were terrible. I sat in front of a fan and just dripped sweat.) What was odd? After it was all done, my…
So much better
I was approved for a major medication change. (Like drop everything I am on but Trazadone. Add the old medications I was on when I first fled Jack to Visalia. I gained 7 pounds after 3 days of not eating? David thinks it is water weight as I was drinking a ton of fluids. And…
Shoot. I am doing it again
Forgetting to post. It was a good week. David and I balanced the budget and have an account to hold that money. (No more fear that we are spending bill money on food.) Really great news: the budget is in the BLACK! Really great news. This year was about paying down our combined debts. And…
Creeping to the surface
So … I feel like I am still paying for my mistakes. My past sins. One of the biggest is going to Alabama. My storage unit was paid in full going that way, but then Kris killed himself. And I had to get my stuff to U-haul. I have one of their largest shipping tickets…