I completely dislike my job. Lead directors has two faces — the one they show to the public and one that says schedules are the most important. … (thinking) I have bronchitis and pneumonia. (Three antibiotics and one inhaler.) Our eldest cat Brook is deathy sick. Our bedroom floor is covered in pee pads. We…
Category: David
Thursday, Oct. 3, 2024
I had been fighting what I thought was the flu at my job for the last two weeks. I had actually missed 6 days in a row. Anyway, I was back at work. Had been for three days. And I was outside walking around and interacting with the children, when I started dripping sweat from…
“Fight Song”
I have had a terrible last two weeks. …. So many nightmares. Night terrors. Waking up crying out people’s names. Sobbing in my sleep (David said I was saying “Merry’s” name during those.) Fighting the exhaustion of working out. Incredibly hot weather (85 F with 80% humidity). Bleh. Applying for jobs. Getting rejected for grocery…
Big update
Yes. I got quiet. Very quiet. David got “laid off” with a severance package from OceanIt. We have … maybe enough money. So, hey mi FAMILIA … We might need help. For real. Please do not let us go homeless again. David has two great options for future employments. One will move us to Seattle….
I have my stuff!!!! Thank God!
Last week, I got approved for a very high amount credit card from USAA. Thankfully, I am still on the mortgage and title to my old house (which is over 50% paid off). David agreed that the toaster oven from my Aunties is far superior to his 15-year-old one. So … I have it all….
DAvid even got his flu shot. I did not because I am pretty reclusive. But yeb. We both are still sick with extreme muscle aches, fatigue, fevers. Thank you Jesus for the counter top ice maker. It is helping a ton. Plus, I started one 50mg tablet of Trazadone again. I had stopped dreaming and…
David got very sick last evening. HIs co-worker went home and called out sick on Monday. I had the most terrible nightmares last night and the night before. The night before last, I dreamed that my sister got possessed by a demon. It was horrible. The demon was doing such terrible things to her. I…
David and I took
a trip yesterday around the island. I was so exhausted by it that I slept in till noon today. But it was so much fun. I got to see all of the north shore. It can take anywhere from two hours to nine hours. Our trip took seven hours. (After we got home, we looked…
Beautiful Christmas
Loved it! We went to the Botanical Gardens yesterday. I took a LOT of pictures — I sent quite a few to people. (I figured a lot of people do not have a recent picture of me.) We got so much done yesterday. It was a lovely day. P.s. Chys …. On the Czar discord,…
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas
(singing) We spent the day at Midas. Of course the car broke down. But at least it was just an alternator. We had to replace it right before we moved into these apartments. We were very broke. Very as we were trying to get the deposit money together. So we bought a cheap alternator. It…