Yes. I got quiet. Very quiet. David got “laid off” with a severance package from OceanIt. We have … maybe enough money. So, hey mi FAMILIA … We might need help. For real. Please do not let us go homeless again. David has two great options for future employments. One will move us to Seattle….
Category: Ala Kapuna
Our apartment views
We are very centrally located on the island. I love this place. Our cat Brook is so happy. She is up, ripping her fur out a whole lot less, and, this AM, looked like she might just jump on the bed.
We move in
So, we are moving in this Wed. Thank you God! We are still on Oahu (same island as Kailua and Honolulu). Dave is working about 7 miles from the apartment. The apartment complex is Moanalua Hillside Apartments . They accept cats. There is an elevator. We are on the 7th floor. It is a one…
We move in on the 7th
We got the apartment! I gave them the cashier’s check for the deposit (close to $5k) today. David has a countdown timer on his Apple Watch until we can move in. (Giggle). But I am so relieved. I’ll be able to celebrate Christmas. David will have a good place to heal after his double knee…
We have an apartment.
If we can get all the money together …. hint … hint … hint … every $50 helps right now, we get to move in on June 7th. My own toilet. An air conditioner. No more spending 35 minutes to drive to do laundry — there are units in the apartment. Our own shower. No…
Might have found a rental
We got to see it this Saturday. 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom … big things for me is
Furking dumb … grrrr
So David got his money in this AM. I call the apartment complex. All three available apartments were rented yesterday. She does not have any known openings for three months. FUUUUUURRRRRRRRKKKKKKKKKKKKKK! David is swearing too. (A rare thing.) David’s men’s small group at church has two property owners and two people that work in property….