a trip yesterday around the island. I was so exhausted by it that I slept in till noon today. But it was so much fun. I got to see all of the north shore. It can take anywhere from two hours to nine hours. Our trip took seven hours. (After we got home, we looked…
Author: Annabelle Cornejo
Beautiful Christmas
Loved it! We went to the Botanical Gardens yesterday. I took a LOT of pictures — I sent quite a few to people. (I figured a lot of people do not have a recent picture of me.) We got so much done yesterday. It was a lovely day. P.s. Chys …. On the Czar discord,…
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas
(singing) We spent the day at Midas. Of course the car broke down. But at least it was just an alternator. We had to replace it right before we moved into these apartments. We were very broke. Very as we were trying to get the deposit money together. So we bought a cheap alternator. It…
Two nights of little sleep
Cause wow. Cats have been so very frisky. And David and I stayed up on evening talking till way later than we should have. It is all good though. The doctor told me I could take Trazadone as a PRN. (I might take it tonight to make sure I fall asleep.) Once in three weeks…
Doing Well
Not much to report. David and I are trying to get our new routine down. Wake up a 6AM, work meetings, work out, work …. So much of life is work. But it is going well. Like I mentioned a few times, our goal is to pay down debt over the next year +. We…
A week later
I am doing so much better. It took four nights to detox off trazadone. My mind was out of control. I couldn’t slow it down. I was having three-hour plus hot flashes. (those were terrible. I sat in front of a fan and just dripped sweat.) What was odd? After it was all done, my…
I think I am detoxing
And it has sucked. Sweating at all hours. Crazy, wild dreams. But at least I am getting the trazadone out of my system. It spent months in my system, but I am hoping it takes about twenty-one days to leave my system. Outside of that, David and I start working out in the morning tomorrow….
Had another med change change
I wanted OFF trazadone. I am now off it. Plus my anti-depressant got bumped up to what it was 5 years ago? Four? ??? Yesterday was my first day without that drug in my system at night. I slept 3 hours and woke up in a manic-like state. I was sweating, feeling nauseous and wanting…
Cat update
Bubsy and Koa are doing amazing. They play for hours. Pass out. Wake us up at 5 AM. (But they are sleeping from 10 PM to 5 AM.) They keep trying to interact with our older cat Brook. But Brook is so feral-ish still! We found out she was really overweight, so we changed her…