Last week, I got approved for a very high amount credit card from USAA. Thankfully, I am still on the mortgage and title to my old house (which is over 50% paid off). David agreed that the toaster oven from my Aunties is far superior to his 15-year-old one. So … I have it all….
Month: February 2024
enough. When I told my psychiatrist about not having an appetite, he did not care? Or I perceived he did not care because his first response was, “Well, I am not increasing your setraline.” (I spelled that wrong. My anti-depressant.) Anyway, I wanted to scream across the phone at him, “You started me on half…
In the last two days
I slept almost twenty hours. I woke up today around 2:30 PM, and felt amazing. Rested. Brain working. Happy. Still no appetite though … lol My dreams the past week have been horrific. (The “Jack burns/kills/destroys everything I love” kind.) We are going to anoint the house with oil.
So Bubsy has tapeworms … badly
Those little yellow grains of corn. I have found them everywhere over the past few weeks. I lifted Bubsy’s tail today and saw the worm wriggling. Oh shit. So we sent the vet pictures. I kept the tapeworms in a wet wipe (they might need to test them). Worse yet. I have had no appetite…
Harder week.
So, I started the week with non-stop diarrhea and gagging. (Pedylate did not help.) Moved into massive phone calls from my old neighborhood in Eureka to let me know Betty’s house had caught on fire. Opps. Betty died and the house was sold for a LOT of money. Long story short: my house was fine….