a trip yesterday around the island. I was so exhausted by it that I slept in till noon today. But it was so much fun. I got to see all of the north shore. It can take anywhere from two hours to nine hours. Our trip took seven hours. (After we got home, we looked up that the weather had attracted surfers from all over the world to come to the north shore for the waves — that helps explain the traffic.)
It was beautiful. And wild. The north shore holds the densest areas of rain forest on the island. We also we to the super tourist-ie area: Haleiwa. We ate at a Mexican restaurant. (I disliked the food.) Our favorite place to eat on the island is still this tiny Mexican place on Sand Island in Honolulu called “La Marea.” (I cannot explain how GOOD their food is. Seasoned. Make from scratch. Perfect pinto beans.)
We took a ton of pictures. I am trying to upload a few now, but I am not familiar with Google photos yet. I got to see a large group of surfers surfing waves that scared me in size standing on the shore. David and I got to talk for hours and hang out. (Wonderful.) We had so much fun.

I thought that sign was cool.

The above picture is the rock slide that caused one of our two major freeways to shut down for a week. As you can see, it still is not very stable looking.