Bubsy and Koa are doing amazing. They play for hours. Pass out. Wake us up at 5 AM. (But they are sleeping from 10 PM to 5 AM.) They keep trying to interact with our older cat Brook. But Brook is so feral-ish still! We found out she was really overweight, so we changed her food. We also have been dragging her out of the bed and having her spend time with the family. She is so loved! We bathed her with cat shampoo. Cut out the mats. Brushed her. Bathed her again. (She looks so much better.) We clipped her nails. (Very hard to do without two people.) Then we noticed she had in-grown nails in her paws. OMG! So we scheduled an appointment for her at the vet. (We updated them with pictures of her paws.)

Bubsy has an odd fascination with poop. He likes to stick his nose into it. Smell. He is still stepping into it a lot (accident.) When he does, I have to use a medical grade fecal matter remover (hypacleanse? — spelling is wrong). Then I have to bathe him in a hypoallergenic cat shampoo. He bites. And claws. And we ran out of alcohol pads and bandaids in one day. (He is doing better now that I have removed wet kitten food.) But, good Lord. This was a long day.

David and Busby.
Last but not least, is a picture of both of them.