I was approved for a major medication change. (Like drop everything I am on but Trazadone. Add the old medications I was on when I first fled Jack to Visalia.
I gained 7 pounds after 3 days of not eating? David thinks it is water weight as I was drinking a ton of fluids. And he was just awesome. He went out and brought my favorite treats. Then he stayed home from work to cook for me and kinda force me to eat. Then we took Saturday and went up the west coast of Oahu. (All the tourist sites.)

It was over 90 degrees on Saturday and the sun was sooooo bright. Hawaiian oceans are such a spectacular color.
By today, Monday. I am dancing around. 6 months of being on that shit (pardon my language). I am so not used to NOT being believed by a medical professional.
David has a presentation at work for $25k thing to work on a “new” and “innovative” idea. David and I have been talking about this idea and researching it for the last year. Research is one of my strengths. I used to live in a library while in college. And I like searching through academic journals, reports, findings, etc. David will be pursuing about 3 patents when creating this idea. (To add to his already 7.) And it literally does not exist, yet it has the potential to help millions across the globe. I am so proud of him.
P.s. I am not talking with my psychiatrist about my ex. I do not think I can emotionally or mentally handle it yet. I have my third meeting with her tonight.