We got the apartment! I gave them the cashier’s check for the deposit (close to $5k) today. David has a countdown timer on his Apple Watch until we can move in. (Giggle). But I am so relieved. I’ll be able to celebrate Christmas. David will have a good place to heal after his double knee…
Month: May 2023
We have an apartment.
If we can get all the money together …. hint … hint … hint … every $50 helps right now, we get to move in on June 7th. My own toilet. An air conditioner. No more spending 35 minutes to drive to do laundry — there are units in the apartment. Our own shower. No…
Might have found a rental
We got to see it this Saturday. 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom … big things for me is
I will have to ask David
how to change that text over the ocean picture … I couldn’t find a honu (sea turtle) picture. …
Furking dumb … grrrr
So David got his money in this AM. I call the apartment complex. All three available apartments were rented yesterday. She does not have any known openings for three months. FUUUUUURRRRRRRRKKKKKKKKKKKKKK! David is swearing too. (A rare thing.) David’s men’s small group at church has two property owners and two people that work in property….
Hawaii Driver’s License
Oh. Let the fun begin. So I came to Hawaii … expecting to relax. Nope. After the eviction process started, David and I decided not to attach me to any bills — so she couldn’t track me. So I didn’t have any way to prove residency. After living at IHM HMO for a month, I…
To Current:
So when I arrived, David had an amazing job working at Netgate. He had been friends with the CEO for a long time. Their children went to the same school. David wanted to add me to the lease. We were discussing it in early October. But, on Oct. 3,2022, his boss called him and fired…
David (Sept 13, 2022, to umm.. Beginning of Oct)
*Warning* this is going to be a very long post. Maybe? After the first two, I am getting kind of … bleh towards typing a long post. Plus, I want to include pictures. So Maybe this one will be more broken up. FYI: In order to get out of Alabama and get to Hawaii, I…